Taxi Receipt

Verified by ABBYY

The Taxi Receipt skill is a pre-trained AI model for ABBYY Vantage, which extracts data from taxi receipts, typically including details such as the date, time, fare amount, currency, starting location, destination, the name of the taxi service provider, and additional information like the address of the service provider.

The Taxi Receipt skill has been fully trained on a large document set and provides high accuracy of data identification and extraction.

In combination with other Vantage document skills such as Receipt Skill, Hotel Invoice Skill can be used for efficient expense management solutions.

  • Vantage document skills are extraction models, based on ABBYY's purpose-built AI, designed and trained to extract key data from business documents.
  • Pre-trained model automatically identifies and extracts key data on taxi receipts such as date, from / to location, vendor, address, country, taxes, payment method etc. For a full list of extracted fields, please see the skill documentation.
  • Includes validation and data normalization rules. Calculates taxes and service duration. Further business rules can be added as required.
  • Can be augmented by human-in-the-loop review and verification based on accuracy thresholds, missing or incorrect information.
Processes with this document
Transfer data to other systems
Related skills
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6 November 2020
Last updated:
2 October 2024
Purchase terms
United States