Delivery Note

Verified by ABBYY

The Vantage Delivery Note Document Skill is an AI model designed and trained to extract data from delivery notes.

A delivery note is a transport document that accompanies transported goods. This document contains information about the transported goods, as well as about the vendor and the buyer. Information specified in delivery notes may be required for electronic transportation records and other customs-related transport documents such as bills of lading. A copy of the delivery note, signed by the buyer or consignee, is returned to the seller or consignor as a proof of delivery.

The Delivery Note skill is a preview skill. It has been trained on a small document set and is intended to be used by citizen developers as a quick-start basis for processing delivery notes. The skill may require further training on your specific documents in order to be used in production scenarios.

By automating the processing of delivery notes and other freight documentation, potential errors from manual processes are drastically reduced or eliminated, leading to accelerated movement of goods, increased transparency and traceability and cost savings. When combined with other Vantage document skills for trade documentation a seamless flow of goods is ensured, providing you with a distinct competitive advantage in the market.

  • Vantage document skills are extraction models, based on ABBYY's purpose-built AI, designed and trained to extract key data from business documents.
  • Preview document skills provide a quick-start basis for conducting proof of concept and automating document-centric processes, without wasting time to train a new skill from the ground up. In most preview skills the main data fields have been labeled and the skill has been trained on a small document set to provide a starting point for further training on customer side. Preview skills generally come at no additional cost, but consume page volume from the base Vantage Core Skills volume.
  • The model automatically detects key fields on delivery notes and extracts relevant data (delivery note number and date, business unit, ship to and bill to addresses, purchaser, purchase order and invoice number, line items etc.). For a full list of extracted fields, please see the skill documentation.
  • Includes validation and data normalization rules. Further business rules can be added as required.
  • Can be augmented by human-in-the-loop review and verification based on accuracy thresholds, missing or incorrect information.
  • Requires further training in order to ensure sufficient accuracy levels on customer-specific documents. Training can be done up-front or during runtime as documents arrive and go through manual verification.
  • The skill complements other pre-trained transportation and logistics skills from ABBYY including bill of lading, commercial invoices, custom declarations, and several more.
Processes with this connector
Transfer data to other systems
Related skills
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2 April 2024
Last updated:
2 October 2024
Purchase terms
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