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Announcing Intelligent Document Processing Hackathon Winners at ABBYY DevCon 2023

September 29, 2023

Leading developers and IT experts gathered in Bengaluru, India this month to attend ABBYY DevCon 2023, an invitation-only event for industry insiders hosted in observation of Intelligent Automation Month. Not only did attendees build connections, gain experience, and explore current insights and trends in innovation – they tested their development prowess in an intelligent automation Hackathon.

AI budgets increased over 80% within enterprises globally, according to the ABBYY State of Intelligent Automation Report. Download for more insights.

ABBYY DevCon 2023 India

The Hackathon focused on challenges in document processing, and tasked participants to develop their solutions using ABBYY Vantage. Participants were given four hours to form teams, assign roles amongst themselves, and design a solution and accompanying presentation for their respective scenarios. Teams drew a number to receive their scenario, which included:

  • Handwritten forms with identity documents
  • Unstructured data with named-entity recognition (NER – e.g., contracts, statement of work SOW)
  • Bank statements (Indian banks)
  • Claims processing (Indian documents)
  • Combined PDF with LC, BOL, invoice, packing list
  • Bank checks with signature extraction

Using Vantage’s low-code interface, teams were able to navigate the platform with agility and familiarity. Their ability to develop highly customized solutions with severely limited time illustrates the intuitive nature of Vantage, as well as its potential to transform document-centric processes for any organization.

Three teams emerged from the Hackathon as winners, each tackling a different scenario

  • Team uniHAP: Bank statements
  • Team Dream Hackerz: Combined PDF
  • Team Vantagetize: Handwriting and identity documents

Team uniHAP, representing Unilever, took home the victory for the Bank Statement category. The team found particular enrichment in the accessibility of ABBYY Vantage; despite being unfamiliar with the platform’s innate advantages, they were able to quickly navigate it and answer their own questions regarding its capabilities. Team uniHap scored highly due to their well-rounded approach of identifying prominent business pain points, assessing the potential for ROI through Vantage, and producing an end-to-end demo solution to support their presentation.

Developers from Deloitte formed Team Dream Hackerz, winning the Combined PDF category with their solution. Their final demo was developed with a high degree of professionalism and clear consideration for the best practices of Vantage implementation, demonstrating the platform’s document splitting functionality and emphasizing tangible business benefits such as saving time and costs. The team also scored well in the teamwork category with each member contributing equally and meaningfully to a successful pitch presentation and Q&A.

Handwriting and ID scenario winner Team Vantagetize consisted of professionals from PWC India. Their teamwork was cohesive and unwavering throughout the competition, made especially evident in their powerful presentation of a staggeringly robust solution – especially given the limited time allotted to development. In a mere couple of hours, Team Vantagetize included complex integrations, various business rules, and custom skill creation in their Handwriting and ID Vantage solution.

Representatives from PWC India on Team Vantagetize were glad for the opportunity to experiment with new strategies and technologies, as well as to build connections with the fellow technologists and developers attending ABBYY DevCon. Throughout the two-day conference, attendees gained insight into the future of ABBYY solutions and the real-world market challenges being addressed. PWC professionals celebrated the connection of people, process, and technology into one event – as well as their Hackathon victory!

ABBYY DevCon 2023 successfully connected the enterprises and developers driving progress in intelligent automation, and ABBYY looks forward to hosting more events that will continue to redefine operational excellence.

ABBYY DevCon 2023

Want to know what the trends in AI and enterprise investments are? According to ABBYY's latest research, AI budgets increased over 80% within enterprises globally. More details about ROI expected and achieved, budget priorities, technologies and processes used, benefits gained, and employees’ mindsets can be viewed by downloading The State of Intelligent Automation: Impact of the Economy on AI Priorities

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Events Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)

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