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You’ve Automated to Survive COVID-19, But What Now? Transforming the Messy Processes that Serve Users



Richard Rabin 198X198
Richard Rabin 198X198

Richard Rabin

Product Marketing Manager, ABBYY

Reggietwigg 198X198
Reggietwigg 198X198

Reginald J. Twigg, Ph.D.

Director, Enterprise Solutions Marketing, ABBYY

Webinar: You have automated to survive COVID-19, but what now?

COVID-19 forced mass adoption of digital transformation technologies, mainly to keep businesses running when the workforce, customers, and partners at once became virtual and relied on automation that was readily available. Now, a year into this new paradigm of work, we’ve learned that merely automating a process is not digital transformation; rather, processes must be re-imagined as experience management — especially those processes around employee and customer service.

This session highlights:

  • A “Digital Intelligence” approach to transforming processes that involve people using unstructured content to make decisions and serve their users
  • Thinking beyond the importance of data, process flow, and tasks to discover, monitor, and optimize
  • The role of unstructured content as decision, compliance, and risk points in employee and customer interactions and making them work for, not against, your digitization goals

Watch this insightful session and walk away with answers you need.

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