ABBYY Business Card Reader for iOS: New Export Options and Navigation Improvements

Starting today, a significant update of a handy business card recognition app by ABBYY is available at the AppStore. It brings the often requested ability to swipe between cards in the business card view and adds the Czech language to the record-breaking list of recognition languages, making them 22 in total.
ABBYY Business Card Reader takes full advantage of the larger screens on Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and stands among the first apps that support Action extensions in iOS.
Good news for power users: the application allows you to export your business card collection directly to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to work with contacts on PC.
At the end of 2014 Business Card Reader for iOS turned five years old, entering what is, by mobile app standards, a robust and productive maturity. Nevertheless, the ABBYY Mobile team keeps creating handy products that help people communicate more effectively around the world and reflect the latest trends in the mobile market.