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Build Resilience to Respond to Evolving Risk Factors in Financial Services



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75 Cherylchiodi 198X198

Cheryl Chiodi

Director of Solution Marketing, ABBYY

Where is your financial institution on its journey to resiliency?

Build Resilience to Respond to Evolving Risk Factors in Financial Services<

The challenges of the recent global crisis have exposed the fact that the events and trends in Financial Services that impact risk move fast. Financial institutions need intelligent automation so that they have the velocity necessary to keep up. In a world where things can change with little or no warning, speed matters.

Improve business resiliency

Check out this short session for a discussion on:

  • How intelligent process automation can enable financial institutions to keep up with evolving client demands while minimizing risk
  • How to discover, analyze, and predict outcomes with actionable process insights
  • How financial institutions can manage risk with business agility without adding cost or complexity to their processes

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