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Proving Identity in Financial Services in An Increasingly Remote and Digital World



Cherylchiodi 198X198

Cheryl Chiodi

Solutions Marketing Manager, Financial Services, ABBYY

Be ready for the worst – fraud prevention, detection, and investigation

Proving Identity in Financial Services in An Increasingly Remote and Digital World

As the banking and financial services industries evolve, so do the opportunities for fraud. Make sure your financial institution has the tools in place to protect yourself and your customers if things go wrong.

ABBYY recently participated in the Transform Finance Fraud in Financial Services event. This event aims to further educate financial service professionals on the risk of fraud. The short session (13 minutes) from this event is now available to view on-demand.

This session covers:

  • Modern ID verification methods.
  • The benefits of proper identification processes.
  • How modern technology can protect you from financial crime risks.

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