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New FineScanner iOS - High Speed Productivity for You and Your Documents!

July 29, 2016

My friend Michael recently found himrself in a pickle. He was heading to a very important business meeting. The future of the dream project he had been working on for a year, depened on it. Being an advanced user of FineScanner, Michael had scanned the necessary documents and saved them in the app beforehand, because it was way easier, than always carrying around giant folders. However, en route to the meeting Michael noticed that his iPhone was at 5% battery, and he did not have a charger with him. “Okay, - Michael thought – It will hold up”. Needless to say, by the time Michael reached the place, his phone was dead, and it seemed like the project was too – because on top of that, he had forgotten to upload the files to the cloud.

However, do not worry, this story had a happy ending. The meeting was postponed, Michael managed to bring that giant document folder from his office, the contract was negotiated and everything turned out just fine. But if Michael had known about the new features, we added to FineScanner 5.5 for iOS, things could have been much easier.

So what are these new features? For people, who are always busy and in a rush (just like Michael), we added auto-upload to your favorite cloud storage. Just check the box in the settings and all your scans will be sent to the cloud of your choosing. Nothing to worry about, everything is always at hand! Let me remind you that FineScanner works with clouds like Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, OneDrive and Yandex.Disk.


Now all of your scans will be automatically saved to the cloud right after processing, enhancing and recognition.


But that’s not all. We have recently enabled PDF upload from any other application to FineScanner. We have also increased the speed of PDF import more than twofold! Now you can download a 100-page PDF  in 3 seconds! Imported file is immediately accessible for a detailed study. And, of course, it can be recognized  with our best OCR.

For all the book lovers out there, we have further enhanced our exclusive BookScan technology by chaning the image upload algorithm. Now it works much faster and smoother!

Update your FineScanner to 5.5 as soon as you can, experience the higher speed, new features and capabilities, and don’t forget to tell us what you think!



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